Beshear Says Health System Can’t Handle Major Case Increase After Thanksgiving

On the day Governor Andy Beshear announced the highest number of COVID-19 cases for a Sunday, he also said the state experienced another record week in new cases.

Beshear confirmed 2,194 new cases, over 730 more than the highest Sunday of cases, October 25. He added the state also surpassed last week’s case count by 3,766 cases.

In a plea to residents, Beshear said if we see a major surge of cases after Thanksgiving, our hospitals can not handle the number of people needing care.

Beshear added that he understands everyone wants to have a normal Thanksgiving after a difficult year and that he wishes more than anything we could go back to normal safely, but we can’t. He said to protect our only line of health care workers and all of our fellow neighbors, gatherings need to be kept to 8 people or less and two households at most, wear a mask, wash your hands, and stay six feet apart.

Sunday, Beshear also announced four new deaths and that the statewide positivity rate was 9.19-percent. There are 1,533 Kentuckians hospitalized, 389 in the ICU, and 208 on the ventilator.

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