Construction Started At The Cadiz Water Treatment Plant

Cadiz City Council members heard an update on the new water treatment plant being constructed in the eastern portion of the city and an update concerning junk pickup being completed by WCA.

Public Works Director Kerry Fowler told members work began Monday on the facility in front of Transcraft.

Fowler also told members he would be stepping down as Cadiz Fire Chief in the near future.


In other business, WCA Major Account Manager Lana Alderdice presented to council members how much it has cost the city over the past three months to use them to collect garbage during the city’s junk days.


After Alderdice presented the numbers, council members discussed whether it would be beneficial to allow WCA to continue doing the work for the next twelve months or to go back to city employees doing the work. During discussions, it was determined that it is cheaper for city employees to do the work but could become more expensive with workers compensation insurance and vehicle maintenance. Council members tabled the discussion for the next meeting and voted to allow WCA to do the junk collection days in January.

Council member Susan Bryant told council members there would be a meeting on Thursday, January 10 at the Renaissance Center on Jefferson Street to get everyone together to talk about building a pool in Trigg County.

In other business, members approved to allow Brian Ahart to serve another term on the Cadiz-Trigg County Parks and Recreation Board.

The next meeting of Cadiz City Council will be Tuesday evening, January 8, 2019 beginning at 6:00.

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