Fishermen Interested In Using Asian Carp As Lobster Bait

More good news was received last week from the Kentucky Fish and Wildlife regarding the War on Carp. Lyon County Judge-Executive Wade White tells the News Edge they received word fishermen are wanting to buy Asian Carp to use as lobster bait, which he says opens up a huge market.

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Judge White also shared some other good news — the Carp Harvest Fund has raised over $19,300 to date which will be used to purchase net markers.

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He adds they don’t have the money right now, but next, they are looking to purchase a big order of nets for fishermen.Judge White says he wants the public to know he believes they are going to win the War on Carp.

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He notes the foundation is continuing to collect donations at the News Edge first reported in July, Judge White has spearheaded the effort to eliminate Asian Carp, which is reportedly killing the eco-system in the lakes in Land Between the Lakes Recreational Area and is a nuisance and danger to area boaters and fishermen.

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