Election Law Violation Complaints Reported In Area


There were over 270 complaint calls to the Kentucky Attorney General’s Office Hotline on Election Day Tuesday. State Attorney General Andy Beshear reports his office had received a total of 273 complaint calls from across the state by 7:00 Tuesday night. Beshear reports prior to the polls opening, the Hotline had received 178 calls for the General Election cycle.

According to the report on the state’s website, Beshear’s office received one pre-election call from Christian County with a residency complaint and on election day there was one complaint call regarding electioneering.

In Todd County, there was one complaint call regarding electioneering, and in Trigg County, there were two pre-election complaint calls — one for campaign violation and one for electioneering.

The Election Law Violations Hotline is set up for Kentuckians who witness election irregularities or possible election law violations. By state law, the Attorney General has the jurisdiction to investigate and enforce election law violations by civil and criminal means.

No other details about the complaints are provided on the website.

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