Fire Destroys Butler Road Home

A home on Butler Road is a total loss after a fire Wednesday night. Highland Volunteer Fire Chief Henry Jako reports firefighters responded to 2401 Butler Road around 7:40pm and found the home fully engulfed. He says an elderly man was heating his home with kerosene heaters when one possibly had an issue and caused a fire to ignite in a front room of the residence, which quickly spread. He says the elderly man did get out of the house with just the clothes he had on and no shoes.

Chief Jako indicates approximately 40,000 to 50,000 gallons of water was used to battle the blaze, adding the home was a total loss due to smoke and water damage. He says Highland was assisted by Westside Volunteer Fire Department and personnel from neighboring departments. He notes firefighters cleared the scene around 11:20pm.

According to Chief Jako, there were no injuries reported and the American Red Cross assisted firefighters and the homeowner.


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