AG Edge


Garden Corner – Rain Affects Plant Disease

Kelly Jackson Christian County Extension Office Rain Affects Plant Disease Plant diseases occur in most gardens; many on a yearly basis, others sporadically.  Why disease occurs often is dependent on weather.  In fact, there are three conditions


Audio – United States Senator Mitch McConnell

News and Farm Director Alan Watts spoke with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell about Senate Leadership, trade, industrial hemp and more during a conversation at the Senator’s office in the United States Capitol.


Alan Watts Reports From Washington Watch 2019

A number of interesting speakers discussed issues from trade to conservation during the 2019 National Association of Farm Broadcasting’s Washington Watch program in Washington, DC.  News and Farm Director Alan Watts is among the farm broadcasters on


Garden Corner – Black Spot on Rose

Kelly Jackson Christian County Extension Office Black Spot on Rose Black spot is the most common cause of defoliation of landscape roses in Kentucky. Black spot is a problem both in greenhouse production and outdoor plantings. Susceptible


The Garden Corner – Carpenter Bees

Kelly Jackson Christian County Extension Office Carpenter Bees are Boring Carpenter bees have been very active the last few weeks and residents have been calling alarmed by these large bees flying near eaves.  Quite often it is


Garden Corner – Digger Bees

Kelly Jackson Christian County Extension Office Digger Bees The Extension office receives several calls a year from growers concerned about ground-nesting or digger bees in their gardens. There are many different species of these bees, and while


Garden Corner – Woolly Aphids

Kelly Jackson Christian County Extension Office Woolly Aphids Elm, silver maple, apple hawthorn, and serviceberry often have colonies of woolly aphids living on the undersides of their leaves in spring. Initially, they are clearly aphids but they


Garden Corner – Spring Clover Mites

Kelly Jackson Christian County Extension Office Spring Clover Mites Warming weather begins to bring out some unwanted insect and mite activity. One harbinger of spring is clover mite. Clover mites are accidental invaders that can be a


VIDEO- Christian County 4-H Farm Day

700 first graders from Christian County public and private schools learn where their food came from at the Christian County 4-H Farm Day Wednesday morning.


Garden Corner – Tips for Picking out Plants

Kelly Jackson Christian County Extension Office Tips for Picking out Plants   Now that spring has arrived, folks are itching to get back to their gardens and to check out what’s new at local nurseries this year.
