AG Edge


Replacing The Knock-Outs

Rose Rosette is a severely damaging disease to nearly all cultivated roses, especially the popular Knock-Out roses. Symptoms include leaf distortion; witches broom; abnormal red discoloration; and increased shoot elongation. Rose Rosette is caused by a virus


Protecting Pollinators From Pesticides

Pollinator protection has become a common phrase that we often hear. Prior to 2006, overwintering colony losses occurred at the rate of about 15% annually; since that time, losses have been closer to 40% each year. Losses


Dividing Iris, Daylilies, And More

Poorly blooming, crowded clumps are a signal that perennials need dividing. Rejuvenate plantings of iris, daylily, daffodil, and tulip plants by dividing them in late summer. Dividing them now will still give them an opportunity to establish


Cicada Killer Wasps Not As Bad As Their Name Sounds

Late July through August we often receive calls about large wasps swarming over lawns. These are often very large cicada killer wasps. While a nest is made by a single female cicada killer wasp, they form aggregations


Slime Flux

If you have noticed sap oozing, sometimes frothy, down the side of your trees they may be suffering with slime flux.


Southern Rust in Corn Confirmed in Caldwell County

Area corn producers are being encouraged to scout their fields after cases of southern rust have been confirmed in western Kentucky. Dr. Kiersten Wise, Plant Pathologist at the UK Research and Education Center in Princeton, says cases


Fall Vegetable Gardens

It is not too late to continue to enjoy the garden and add new plantings. A variety of produce can be grown in Kentucky gardens in the coming weeks allowing fresh items to be available well into
