AG Edge


Ag Edge Talks Farm Safety With Pro Solutions

Tuesday the Ag Edge made a stop at Pro Solutions on Pembroke Road to talk farm safety with Susan Wright.


Livestock Safety On The Farm

David Fourqurean Ag Agent McLean County Cooperative Extension Service. Few farmers view livestock as a source of danger. Yet animal-related accidents cause numerous deaths and serious injuries each year. A recent National Safety Council study ranked beef


Grain Bin Safety On The Farm

By Graham Cofield, Trigg County Agriculture Extension Agent   Working In the Agriculture industry is one of the most rewarding careers a person can have.


Kentucky Department Of Ag Sharing Safety Videos

The COVID-19 Pandemic has slowed down the efforts of the Kentucky Department of Agriculture’s Farm Safety program.


Making A Case For Moss In The Landscape

On occasion I receive calls from frustrated homeowners wanting to know how to get moss out of their lawn. This week I would like to flip the tables and ask you to consider what it might take


Create A Bird Haven

Few things are as interesting and attractive as songbirds. Unfortunately, suitable habitat for birds is often in short supply. As urban areas expand and develop, natural areas are often destroyed or altered dramatically. By creating bird gardens,
