AG Edge


Colorful Twigs Of Winter

Dr. Donald Wyman was the horticulturist of Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University for thirty-five years (1935-1970). He is best known for introducing new plants to American gardens. In one, two-year span he located seeds or plants of


Winter Gardens – Color for a Drab Season

Color is important to gardeners. We often select plants because of their flower color and design our gardens so those most brightly colored flowers are most noticeable. We even associate the year’s seasons with color. Yellow daffodils


Storing and Disposing of Pesticides Safely

Pesticides are a valuable tool for protecting plants against insect, disease, and weed pests. They are most often used for lawns, gardens, trees, shrubs, and homes. However, improperly stored pesticides pose a potentially dangerous risk of accidental


Overwintering Dahlias

Dahlias, with their lush, vivid blossoms, are a garden favorite and often take front and center at county and state fair competitions. Unfortunately, they are semi-tropical plants and will not overwinter in Kentucky’s climate. Don’t worry, though.


Windbreaks for Winter Savings

Homeowners interested in reducing winter heating bills may want to consider planting a windbreak. A windbreak is a single or multiple row of trees and shrubs planted in a linear fashion on the side of the house


The Eastern Redcedar

The Eastern Redcedar, Juniperus virginiana, is a tree that you cannot miss, even if you tried. Its wide native range from Ontario and Quebec to mid-Florida and west to North Dakota and Texas makes it the most


UK Ag Hosting Fall Crop Protection Webinars

The University of Kentucky has organized five webinars on field crop protection topics that will be hosted through the Southern Integrated Pest Management Center starting on November 10.
