AG Edge


Poinsettias for the Holidays

The poinsettia was named for Joel Robert Poinsett, an amateur botanist and the first United States ambassador to Mexico. He became fascinated with these native plants and sent poinsettias home to Greenville, S. C. in 1825. Although


Relief Available For Caldwell County Farmers Impacted By Tornado

Help and supplies will soon be available for Caldwell County farmers that lost fencing and suffered damages during the December 10 tornado that impacted the county.


Quarles Pays Visit To Destroyed UK Research Center

On September 19, 2019, noted dignitaries and locals celebrated and cut the ribbon — officially opening the Grain and Forage Center of Excellence at the University of Kentucky Research and Education Center in Princeton.


Creating A Bird Haven

Few things are as interesting and attractive as songbirds. They brighten up the dreary days of winter by adding music and color in the landscape. Unfortunately, suitable habitat for birds is often in short supply. As urban


Winterizing Roses

When it comes to providing protection to roses in winter, there are about as many techniques as there are rose varieties. If you are growing grandifloras or floribundas you may have had success without winterizing because these


Christian County Farm Bureau Thanks Legislators

The Christian County Farm Bureau board of directors heard updates from a variety of local, state, and federal legislators during the annual Legislative Appreciation Dinner.
