AG Edge


Photos – 2022 Trigg County FFA Banquet

The Trigg County FFA Chapter and Officers celebrated a great 2021-22 year during their annual banquet Friday, April 29.  Several scholarships and awards were handed out, with the new slate of officers installed.    


Photos – 2022 Christian County FFA Banquet

The Christian County FFA officers and members celebrated a great 2021-22 year with their annual banquet Tuesday, April 26.  The banquet was held at the Christian County Agriculture Exposition Center located at the County Extension Office.  


VIDEO – Caldwell County FFA ‘Kids’ Day’

The Caldwell County High School Ag Department held Day 2 of the “Super Duper Days” Friday. The day was a special one for younger students in the Caldwell County School District. Watch and see what they got


Crawfish in the Lawn

A common request in the spring is how to get rid of crawfish that are making unsightly mud chimneys in lawns. Crawfish can be common in lawns and other low-lying areas where the water table in close


Growing Asparagus

Asparagus is a wonderful vegetable, it can be prepared in so many different ways, it is full of nutrients, and by the end of April, there should plenty of asparagus available. It is an easy crop to


Rain Gardens

Stormwater run-off poses an increasingly difficult problem for many urban areas. Storm sewers, drainage ditches, and retention basins often overflow during significant rains causing soil erosion and flooding. Run-off also carries excess fertilizer and pesticide residue to
