Was That A Tornado?

      The strongest tornadoes come from the kind of long-lasting, especially fierce thunderstorms known as supercells. As the name implies, these are super thunderstorms with more than their share of potential danger.         In addition to

Whole Lot Of Shaking Going On


      The 7.0 earthquake the last few days was the second major earthquake in two weeks to strike the Pacific Tectonic plate. The first was a 7.8 magnitude quake which struck Ecuador, South America. Let me be

Just Ask Bob


Ants can be found inside and outside the home. Put a barrier around your house so they don’t come in with Bonide’s Revenge. http://podcast.wkdzradio.com/wkdz4/4861205.mp3

A Long Look Out In Weather


      I have been absent from the blog for a couple of days due to the severe threats occupying much of my time. We will soon get back into the severe threat with storms arriving this weekend.

Making Of An Outlook


     I have been watching the developing patterns in the long range outlook for a good while now. For the most part, I have been successful on letting folks know when a storm is coming.        

Just Ask Bob


Scent-inal is a unique product that will protect your plants from deer and other animals that eat your plants. Scen-tinal doesn’t wash away with rain! http://podcast.wkdzradio.com/wkdz4/4861204.mp3

Just Ask Bob


Weed Beater Complete by Bonide controls ALL your weed problems! Keeps seeds from germinating and kills the weeds that are already there. http://podcast.wkdzradio.com/wkdz4/4861193.mp3