VIDEO – Brag N’ Rights Golf Game


The Hopkinsville Chamber of Commerce held their traditional Brag N' Rights golf game between businesses in the spirit of friendly competition.  

The Original MRE


      Often called the original MRE, pemmican is considered the ultimate survival food. Created by Native Americans and adopted by European explorers of the New World, pemmican is a concentrated blend of fat and protein from lean,

Just Ask Bob


Keen-Up kills all the unwanted weeds and grasses that are unwanted down to the root. Eliminate the weeds so your flowers and vegetables can get off to a better start.

The Unseen Creature


       What homeowner doesn’t dream of a perfect smooth emerald-green lawn in front of the house? However, your beautiful dream may be overshadowed by one significant problem.   Moles! These creatures are perfect diggers and are able

Rabbit Starvation


      These days, many folks are learning how to prepare for disasters. One of those things that you must have to survive is food. What I am about to tell you will probably surprise…even shock you.  

Tomato Teachings


      One of my favorite thing to enjoy during the warmer months is fresh vegetables and fruits from the garden or from the local Farmer’s Market. There are few food sensations that better mark the summer and

Strange Creature is Showing Up


      I was driving from Cadiz to Hopkinsville on Highway 68-80 today when I saw an unfamiliar creature lying on the side of the road. It had obviously been hit by a car. At first. I thought

Just Ask Bob


Weed Beater Ultra controls over 200 difficult to control weeds right down to the root. This product can be used to  45 degrees outside! You will even see results in 24 hours.

Wile E Coyote


      I have such mixed feelings on coyotes…one side of me wants to get rid of them, while the other side admires them for their cunning and intelligence. Unfortunately they are overrunning Kentucky and Tennessee. Kentucky officials

My Mom

      This is probably the most difficult thing I have ever written…mostly because it involves emotions and feelings that have stretched throughout my life. Since Mother’s Day is here, I felt obliged to dedicate this post to