What’s Happening to the Sun?


      With summer heat and humidity making outdoor activities pretty miserable, it is hard to take any talk of a coming global cooling seriously. But the signs are already starting to show themselves in the sun.  

The Most Dangerous Creature on Earth Part 3


      In this final post about Mosquitoes, I want to take a look at things that work and don’t work to keep mosquitoes away. It is summer and we have a lot of outdoor activities going on.

The Most Dangerous Creature on Earth – Part 2


      Continuing my series on the mosquito, since my last post, I have been bit no less than five times by these rotten pests. I must have looked like a karate champion as I tried to bat

The Most Dangerous Creature on Earth


      Summer is officially here. I love being outdoors, working in my garden, playing with my animals, smelling the fresh air, basking in the sun, and enjoying nature of all kinds. But then, I soon discover things

Just Ask Bob


Repels-All keeps animals away when used around trees, shrubs and your edible crops. You can put it even on fences and structures in case you have a wood pecker that is destroying your decks and fences. http://podcast.wkdzradio.com/wkdz4/4861209.mp3

Are We Headed for Drastic Weather Changes?


      When the weather gets hot, I hear people talking about global warming. Likewise, when the weather gets cold, I hear that global cooling is taking place. So I decided to try to find the truth which

What’s Happening to Our Food? Part 3


      In this last in a series on GMO’s, I take a look at how the average American is in the dark about these products that have been thrust into our food supply. Most developed nations do

Just Ask Bob


Grub Beater kills grubs along with lots of other insects. Prevent the skunks and moles from digging for grubs  and creating dead patches in your lawn by using Grub Beater. http://podcast.wkdzradio.com/wkdz4/4861208.mp3

What’s Happening to Our Food? Part 2


      For thousands of years, humans have been genetically enhancing other organisms through the practice of selective breeding. Look around you: the sweet corn and seedless watermelons at the supermarket, the purebred dogs at the park, and

What’s Happening to Our Food? Part 1


      In this first in a series on our food supply, I have been hearing the term GMOs referring to our foods that we eat. So I decided to do a little research and what I found