Monarchs – Flowers in Flight


      It may seem like you have seen more butterflies than usual lately. With fall weather finally arriving, some butterflies migrate in order to escape the coming cold. In all the world, no butterflies migrate like the

Just Ask Bob


Eight Insect Control by Bonide is an odorless liquid, liquid concentrate and comes in garden dust.

Where is Fall? It Is Coming!


      So where is the fall weather? Afterall, it is getting to be late September and we are still dealing with warm highs in the upper 80’s and uncomfortable humidity. We have been getting brief shots of

Fall & Early Winter Outlook


     Several changes have prompted me to update my thoughts on the very long range outlooks into late fall and early winter. At this time I will look at the outlook through December and save the winter

Just Ask Bob


Bonide’s Captain Jack’s Dead Bug Brew – great for all organic insect problems.

Toad Sucking is Crazy!


      I have travelled to many places, observed strange rituals, lived off the land and eaten just about anything edible. Except for bugs and spiders. I draw the line there. I use both Nature’s signs, computers, and

What’s Happened To The Whipoorwill?


      Who else wonders where our whip-poor-wills have gone? If you can remember this wonderful bird singing at dusk, but yet hardly ever seen, you may also wonder what has happened to them.   The song of

What Makes A Colorful Fall?


      You may have heard that a wet summer has a big benefit – the rain produces the most brilliant foliage come fall. Summer's not for everyone and I have to admit, it is not my favorite

Just Ask Bob


Go-Away by Bonide is an all natural product that will save your plants from hungry animals that are eating up your plants. It will keep animals away for 30-45 days.

What Happened In Kelly?


      What is now known as the Kelly-Hopkinsville encounter took place on the evening of August 21st, 1955 near the small town of Kelly outside of Hopkinsville, Kentucky. But this story actually begins in the summer of