The Growing Danger of Ticks


      By spending more time outside in warm spring weather, people put themselves at risk of outdoor hazards like potentially dangerous tick bites. Understanding where ticks are common and avoiding those areas can also help to reduce

The Horror of the New Madrid Earthquakes Part 2


      As we continue our discussion on the eyewitness accounts from folks who actually lived during the 1811 to 1812 New Madrid Earthquakes, we find that the areas near the epicenter saw catastrophic damage. But there were

The Horror of the New Madrid Earthquakes


    So much has been written on the dangers of a major earthquake on the New Madrid Fault, we have to look back to the big earthquakes of 1811 through 1812 if we want to get a

Which Is More Dangerous, Dixie Alley Or New Madrid?


      I have decided to bypass another post on the New Madrid Fault just for the time being. The fault is still rumbling though. But the onslaught of severe and violent storms is taking center stage.  We

Just Ask Bob


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What Do The New Madrid Rumblings Mean?


      As I write this, the New Madrid Fault continues to rumble with small earthquakes. Most of them are occurring along the Mississippi River and several miles either side of it. I don’t want to unnecessarily alarm

The Dangerous New Madrid Fault


      Not far from Memphis and St. Louis, 600 million years ago, the continent tried to rip in half. It failed. This was not our world.   This world was still convalescing from the near-death experience of

Just Ask Bob


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