What You Need to Know About Fireworks


      You may have noticed recently that the countryside sounds like a war has broken out. Every year, Independence Day celebrations across the country include the fiery, colorful displays and explosive pops of consumer-grade fireworks. Many times,

What To Do About Sunburns


      Since we are officially in summer, many people will spend a great deal more time outdoors soaking up the sun’s rays. You lie out in the sun hoping to get a golden tan, but instead walk

Winter Is Coming!


      Make the most of this summer because it could be your last decent one: winter is coming as the planet enters the most devastating cooling period since the 65-year Maunder Minimum of the 17th and early

More Snakes This Year


      Snakes seem more plentiful this year. If you’re afraid of snakes, this news is probably going to alarm you. Among the 32 snake species found in Kentucky, four are venomous. Copperheads, cottonmouths, as well as the

The Summer Outlook

      May has turned out be a wet month over much of the eastern United States, and it has been a little on the cool side. We started out with a pretty much snowless winter followed by

The Eclipse Approaches


      On Aug. 21, 2017, millions of people will witness a once-in-a-lifetime event as a total solar eclipse is visible across the United States. The great thing is that our own backyard here in Christian County and

What Happened To The Bees?


      I was in my yard the other day, thinking about having to mow soon. The clover and dandelions are in full bloom in my yard, but I noticed something was missing. There were no honeybees working

Surviving Nighttime Severe Weather


      Nocturnal tornadoes, as they are called, are like nightmares that have come to life. They strike under the cover of darkness and are often among the most deadly weather phenomenon. As a matter of fact, Kentucky is

Preparing For The Worst

      There are so many things going on in our chaotic world nowadays and, if you are like me, it is hard to stop and plan for things that may or may not happen. I have received

Late Spring Outlook


      There seem to be a lot of things going on across the region this spring. The New Madrid Fault keeps rumbling and fraying the nerves of those living near the Mississippi River. We have seen late