Practicing Livestock Safety


Working Around livestock can be a very rewarding experience, particularly for our Young people.  Children when working around livestock safely can learn many valuable life lessons including responsibility and work ethic, and who doesn’t like to see

Potential Harmful Effects of Pesticides


David Fourqurean The two broad types of effects from pesticide exposure are: local or contact and systemic. Local effects may occur to the area of contact with skin, eyes, or respiratory tract. They are referred to as

Pesticide Safety


David Fourqurean Pesticides can have acute (short-term) and chronic (long-term) health effects. The signal word on the product label and the information contained in the Hazards to Humans and Domestic Animals part of the Precautionary Statements section

The Long Ranger – October Edition


October is almost here. With that comes the changing of the leaves and the drop of the temperature. Just a reminder from my friends at Durham Heating and Cooling…Please be sure to have your heating system checked

Extend Garden Color with Fall Blooming Perennials


Kelly Jackson Christian Co. Extension Office Extend Garden Color with Fall Blooming Perennials Soon gardeners will begin putting their perennials to bed for the winter. Adding mulch, cutting back old growth, and tidying beds are common practices