Spruce Problems in the Landscape


Kelly Jackson Christian County Extension Office Spruce Problems in the Landscape If you have a spruce in your landscape, this is a good time of year to observe them carefully for some of the following problems: Cytospora

Extreme Changes Coming


Many folks may have been lulled into a false sense that the approaching winter may not be too bad. We have certainly seen some mild temperatures considering it is the last weekend in November. Even though it

Ag Commissioner Hosting Caldwell Farmer Roundtable


Kentucky Ag Commissioner Ryan Quarles will meet with farmers in Caldwell County Tuesday, November 28. Commissioner Quarles is hosting a listening session from 10 until 11 at the Caldwell County Extension Office. Commissioner Quarles says he wants

Black Friday, White December?


We all enjoy holidays with friends and family and Thanksgiving is one of the biggest holidays besides Christmas. Nowadays, we also have Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Super Saturday which all revolve around Thanksgiving and Christmas. But

Mechanical Damage to Trees


Kelly Jackson Christian County Extension Office Mechanical Damage to Trees   We talk a lot about insects and diseases that can wreak havoc to our landscape trees, but many times people are a tree’s worst enemy –

The Polar Vortex Is Coming


Hang on to your hats and break out your winter coats: An Arctic blast will bring cold temperatures and howling winds across much of the central and eastern U.S. over the next week or so. It may