Boxwood Leafminer


Boxwood growers – listen to your boxwoods. Yes, listen with your ears. This is the time of year when you can audibly hear the larva of boxwood leafminer chewing in-between the upper and lower surfaces of the



Daffodils are one of the easiest and most dependable flowers to grow. They are also one of the first bloomers of the year and, if given the proper growing conditions, we can enjoy their bright yellow blooms

Why Slow Trees?


Generally speaking, people tend to be impatient. We like fast food, we like tv on-demand, some even like instant mashed potatoes. When it comes to landscaping, we expect newly planted to trees to become big shade trees

Consider Plants When Using Deicing Salt


Deicing salts are helpful in providing dry, safe pavement for walking and driving. They are used in large quantities to improve safety during icy conditions. While deicing salts are important tools, the runoff from treated pavement contains

Pruning Young Trees


Proper pruning is essential in developing a tree with a strong structure and desirable form. One example where pruning a younger tree can prevent problems later can be found with redbuds and ornamental pears. These trees, as

Ordering Seeds for Vegetable Gardens


Looking through a seed catalog, store rack, or online product offering, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by options. But, for gardeners who have had issues in the past, choosing different varieties is one way to preventatively manage

The Eastern Redcedar


The Eastern Redcedar (Juniperus virginiana) is a tree that you cannot miss, even if you tried. Its wide native range from Ontario and Quebec to mid-Florida and west to North Dakota and Texas makes it the most

Poinsettias for the Holidays


The poinsettia was named for Joel Robert Poinsett, an amateur botanist and the first United States ambassador to Mexico. He became fascinated with these native plants and sent poinsettias home to Greenville, S. C. in 1825. Although

Creating A Bird Haven


Few things are as interesting and attractive as songbirds. They brighten up the dreary days of winter by adding music and color in the landscape. Unfortunately, suitable habitat for birds is often in short supply. As urban