The Beauty of Bats


Unfounded claims that bats get stuck in people’s hair, that all bats have rabies, and Hollywood’s influence (i.e., blood-sucking vampires) often put bats in a negative light. The truth is bats are truly important just how important

Cherry Leaf Spot


Cherry leaf spot is a fungal disease of sweet, sour, and ornamental cherries. While this leaf disease is rarely a death sentence for trees, it can result in reduced blossoms, weakened trees, and increased risk for winter

Understanding Insect Repellents


Insect repellents are chemicals that protect us from blood-feeding arthropods, primarily mosquitoes, ticks, black flies, and biting gnats. Using a repellent doesn’t mean we will become invisible to the pests. They will still be attracted to our

Diagnosing Landscape Plant Failure


Plant failures are common in the landscape. Some occur soon after planting, while others develop over time. What causes a landscape plant to fail is a question for many homeowners. Answers to this question will help not

Squash Bug Control


I get more questions about having to manage squash bug, a key pest of squash, gourds and pumpkins, than possibly any other insect pest of vegetables. While many of the questions occur in mid-summer when high populations

Crawfish in the Lawn


A common request in the spring is how to get rid of crawfish that are making unsightly mud chimneys in lawns. Crawfish can be common in lawns and other low-lying areas where the water table in close

Growing Asparagus


Asparagus is a wonderful vegetable, it can be prepared in so many different ways, it is full of nutrients, and by the end of April, there should plenty of asparagus available. It is an easy crop to

Rain Gardens


Stormwater run-off poses an increasingly difficult problem for many urban areas. Storm sewers, drainage ditches, and retention basins often overflow during significant rains causing soil erosion and flooding. Run-off also carries excess fertilizer and pesticide residue to

Spring Garden Tilling


Home gardeners might be experiencing “spring fever” with the warmer temperatures and in a rush to do spring tilling. But keep in mind, the ground is still wet from a recent snowfall and a lot of rain.