Trigg County Fiscal Court Approves 2024-25 Sheriff’s Budget


In a special-called convening following the celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Trigg County’s Fiscal Court approved the 2024-25 Trigg County Sheriff’s Office budget Tuesday evening — inking a ledger that must legally be completed before

Local Legislators Discuss Budget Priorities For 2024


With Kentucky’s General Fund surplus ahead more than $1.5 billion, and the state’s rainy day fund at a record $3.7 billion, the Commonwealth and its leaders are as poised as ever to maximize on efficient spending measures.

Cadiz Police Chief Gives Detail On 2023 Workload


During Tuesday night’s special-called Cadiz City Council meeting, Police Chief Tyler Thomas reflected on what was an active 2023 for the department — one filled with concerns and improvements in various categories.