Better Weather Days Ahead


There have been a few scattered thundershowers around this afternoon. But storm chances will diminish after sunset as the cold front passes through tonight. I am so looking forward to a couple of nice days without the

Stargazing the Night Sky


In the western sky on the evening of Sunday, July 15, the young waxing crescent moon will take up a position between Venus and Regulus, the brightest star in Leo. The moon will sit 1.5 degrees west



Both lakes are slightly below summer pool and on a slow draw down.  Kentucky Dam was generating at an average rate of 33,500 cfs this morning.  Barkley Dam was generating at an average rate of 17,600 cfs

Weather Update – Is Relief In Sight?


Not much change to the forecast. Friday will see an increase in humidity and Saturday will be pretty uncomfortable as this long hot summer continues. Expect temperatures to be in the lower 90s Friday and middle 90s

Stargazing and Space News


The sun has been without spots for 14 straight days. To find a similar stretch of blank suns, you have to go all the way back to April of 2010 when the sun was emerging from the

Fearful Fur-babies – What To Do?


Summer is here, and with it, summertime thunderstorms as we have already seen and fireworks! Many dogs are terrified of thunderstorms and fireworks. A dog’s senses are very sensitive. They can feel, hear, smell and sense things

Be Safe On The Water


Heading to the lake this weekend? Follow these tips to stay safe on the water.

Weather Update


There has been just a few scattered showers and thunderstorms around this afternoon but not as plentiful as yesterday. Very hot and humid weather will be in place for the 4th, and even into Thursday. A Heat

Surviving Summer


We are at the height of summer, and high temperatures can create uncomfortable conditions. We have come through the warmest May on record and the second warmest June on record.

Watching the Night Sky


  Posted by D Powell – While you’re getting ready to celebrate Independence Day with red, white and blue, prepare to see a lot of red in the sky in July. Mars will be at its brightest