Fishing Report for Kentucky and Barkley Lakes


The cooler weather patterns we experienced last week continued into this week with lower day time temperatures in the 80’s and low humidity. Since we have very little current and the lake is slowly dropping, fishing all-around

Did You Know?


Did you know that there are about 1800 thunderstorms are happening at any moment around the world! Another interesting fact is that all thunderstorms produce lightening which normally strikes outside of the area where it is raining.

The Case of the Disappearing Monarch Butterfly


One of the first signs of fall I always look for is the movement of the Monarch Butterflies starting their fall migration. As we enter the second week of August, I have already seen several Monarchs headed

The Night Sky


You know a meteor shower is going to be good when it produces dozens of fireballs a whole week before the shower peaks. Welcome to the Perseids. The best meteor shower of the year peaks Aug. 11th-13th

Did You Know?


The only thing more frightening than the sight and sound of a tornado approaching is one that strikes while you’re asleep. It comes in the middle of the night, enveloping your neighborhood with dangerous winds, swirling debris,

Fishing Report for Kentucky and Barkley Lakes


Kentucky Lake’s fishing scene received a reprieve this week from the hot and humid conditions with a few cooler days with lower humidity. Responding to the cooler conditions have been surface temperatures. Temps dropped this week down

The Night Sky


Mars takes center stage this week. Mars reaches opposition early Friday morning. This is not the usual opposition. It will be closer than it has been in the last 15 years. Fifteen 15 years ago (2003), Mars

The Smell of Rain


Most people notice a distinctive smell in the air after it rains. It’s frequently linked with spring, as the smell of fresh cut grass is associated with summer. You’ll find it in a lot of poetry and

Fishing Report


Surface temperatures this week stayed in the 87 to 88 degree range. Water color is clear across the reservoir. TVA’s gradual winter drawdown is underway so anglers can expect a slow but gradual fall in lake levels

Hot Car Fatalities


It seems like this has been a hotter and longer summer than usual. That is probably because we went into a summer pattern starting in May with no let up through June and at least into mid-July.