Kentucky’s Disappearing Birds


Anyone who has camped in the eastern United States has had this experience. You’ve spent the evening sitting around the campfire after a satisfying dinner. A nice gentle breeze cools the evening air as you settle down

The Long Ranger – Summer Outlook


There is lots of speculation on what our summer will look like considering the cooler than normal temperatures the first 4 months of 2018. More recently, we have been sweltering in hazy, hot, and humid conditions that

Is Yellowstone Our Biggest Threat?


It is scary living in the New Madrid Earthquake Zone. But there is something even scarier out there. A lot of folks have been asking me about Yellowstone’s dangers so here is what I know. Yellowstone National

The Year A Local Horse Won The Ky Derby


It’s officially Kentucky Derby week as we celebrate what Kentucky is famous for…beautiful thoroughbred horses. The 2018 Kentucky Derby is the 144th annual Kentucky Derby, scheduled to take place on Saturday, May 5, 2018 at Churchill Downs

What You Don’t Know About Arbor Day


While I was researching the subject for my next post, I happened to notice that Friday April 27th, is Arbor Day. It dawned on me that this is one of those holidays I know very little about.

New Madrid Earthquake News


While we have all been busy trying to get spring activities going, it is easy to forget we are living in an earthquake zone. Unless you are new to the area, everyone has heard of the New

The Winter That Won’t Die


The calendar tells us that, officially, winter began Dec. 21st and ended March 20th but winter just seems to be hanging on. We get a few days warmth for April 11th through the 14th, but then we

Kentucky’s Nighttime Danger


There is probably nothing more frightening than being awakened in the middle of the night by a fierce storm raging outside. Those caught by surprise will have little time to react and, unfortunately, many won’t survive.

The Long Ranger – April


We are officially knee deep into springtime, but there hasn’t been much sign of the spring weather. Overall, temperatures have been 8 to 10 degrees below normal and the chill of winter just doesn’t seem to want

Weather Fears and the Beast


Let’s face it. Many of us have had some fear of weather at some point in our lives. As thunder rolls and lightning sparks the sky, some might find themselves in a state of panic. If the