Garden Corner – Tips for Picking out Plants


Kelly Jackson Christian County Extension Office Tips for Picking out Plants   Now that spring has arrived, folks are itching to get back to their gardens and to check out what’s new at local nurseries this year.

Garden Corner – Selecting Fast Growing Shade Trees


Kelly Jackson Christian County Extension Office Selecting Fast Growing Shade Trees   Trees are a valuable asset to our home landscape.  In addition to blooms, texture, and fall color, trees also help reduce energy bills by casting

Garden Corner: Early Spring Apple Disease Management


Kelly Jackson Christian County Extension Office Early Spring Apple Disease Management   Each season, apple diseases are a threat to home orchard productivity and fruit quality. Now is an important time to manage some of these destructive

Garden Corner – Prevent Grape Anthracnose Now


Kelly Jackson Christian County Extension Office Prevent Grape Anthracnose Now   Backyard grapes will soon begin to break dormancy, so grape growers will want to take steps now to prevent anthracnose disease. Grape anthracnose most commonly occurs