Legislators Howell And Thomas Positive On MSU Vet School


First District State Senator Jason Howell and Eighth District State Representative Walker Thomas say the Murray State University Vet School proposal has momentum in the Kentucky General Assembly. Senator Howell, who chairs the Senate Agriculture Committee, says

Area Legislators Highlight Need For Childcare Funding


Funding to help provide childcare is among concerns being discussed as area lawmakers evaluate the proposed 2024-26 state budget. Third District State Senator Whitney Westerfield says that was among major concerns addressed during the Kentucky Chamber Legislative

Petrie Says Murray State Vet School Proposal Has Merit


15th District State Representative Jason Petrie, who chairs the Kentucky House Appropriations and Revenue Committee, says the prospect of a veterinary medical school at Murray State University will help address a shortage of large animal vets across

Legislators Discuss The 2024-26 State Budget Plan


The work of local legislators now becomes even more important following the passage of the 2024-26 state budget Thursday, February 1, by the Kentucky House of Representatives. 9th District State Representative Myron Dossett, who serves on the