Hopkinsville Seeks $294,000 In Cybersecurity Grant Funding


The City of Hopkinsville is applying for nearly three hundred thousand dollars in grant funding to increase cyber security. At Tuesday night’s City Council meeting, members voted to approve the 20 percent matching funds for the Homeland

Spelling Bee Champs Crowned


What’s the best way to crown a w-i-n-n-e-r? Test everyone’s lexicon until there is only one left with all the letters in the right o-r-d-e-r. Tuesday night, the Christian County Literacy Council invited students from third to

36th Annual Pow Wow A Success


Members of Native American nations near and far are traveling home after sharing their culture this weekend in Hopkinsville. More than 5,000 people came to the 36th Annual Pow Wow, partaking in food, fanfare, and culture. click

The Bruce Turns 20


For 20 years, The Bruce Convention Center has been serving Hopkinsville, the surrounding area, and visitors from out of town. It is a feat those who helped get the dirt moving only dreamed of. Darrell Gustafson says

Trigg County Fiscal Court Approves 2023 Tax Rate


Trigg County residents may notice a slight decrease in their tax bill this year. Trigg County Fiscal Court Monday night approved the first reading of the 2023 tax rate. County Clerk, Carmen Finley presented magistrates with her