District 3 Candidates Debate


Roads, population growth, and ecomonic development are all topics of discussion for the two men running for Christian County Fiscal Court’s District 3 seat. Magistrate Mark Cansler says infrastructure work in the county is always ongoing. click

Candidates From District 5 And 8 Answer Questions


Though their opponents did not show, candidates for Christian County Fiscal Court were allowed to answer questions at the Thursday night League of Women Voters Forum.   District 5 Magistrate Rich Liebe says the pandemic led to

District 2 Candidates Debate Age


Christian County Fiscal Court could be moving times if one candidate gets elected. Republican Josh Turner is running against Incumbent Mark Wells for the District 2 seat. Turner says he has heard several concerns from citizens during

Brooks And Handy Debate Age And Experience


The veteran politician and the newcomer are going head to head for the Hopkinsville City Council Ward 12 Seat. Councilman Philip Brooks has held the seat from many years, but Republican Matthew Handy is runninng and hoping

Two New Faces Vie For Hopkinsville Ward 8 Seat


Hopkinsville City Council Ward 8 hopefuls would both bring a fresh perspective to the governoring body as neither has served before. During the Wednesday night, League of Women Voter forums Democrat Twila Dillard and Republican Terry Meeks