CCHD Board Approves Salary Schedule, FY25 Budget


An improved salary schedule, one pursuant to Kentucky Administrative Regulation, and a 2024-25 budget took priority during Monday night’s quarterly Christian County Health Department board meeting — and both measures were met with unanimous approval.

Per Public Health Director Devin Brumfield, CCHD staff this fiscal year have access to raises, based on the following criteria and job assessment:

— Those earning “highly commendable” marks will receive a 5% annual increment, as well as a 2% lump sum one-time bonus, base on current salary.

— Those earning “proficient and commendable” marks will receive a 5% annual increment, as well as a 1% lump sum one-time bonus, based on current salary.

— Those earning “effective and competent” marks will receive a 5% annual increment.

— Those earning “needs development” marks will receive no annual increment, but will initiate a performance improvement plan within two weeks of the evaluation. From there, a re-evaluation must occur within 120 days, and if said employee improves to “EC,” a 2% raise will be administered.

— And those receiving “unsatisfactory” marks could lead to dismissal, especially if supporting documentation is in place.

Just off hand, Brumfield noted that of the organization’s 40 or so employees, he couldn’t think of anyone who would even fall below “EC.”

Asked by board member Charles Turner about employee turnover rate, Human Resource Manager Jarrod Cato roughly estimated that nearly 80% of the current staff had been with CCHD at least five years, and many of them considerably longer.

Two of them, Cato added, had previously left — only to return in a full-time capacity.

With this pay hike in mind, board members also unanimously approved a $5.7 million budget alongside $6.1 million in revenues — equating to an estimated $400,000 surplus.

Cato also stated that there’s enough room in this slate for another nurse and another administrator — perhaps for the finance department — but this is the best full staff in “quite some time.”

Dr. Joe Dempsey, outgoing board chair, offered up a budget observation.

CCHD’s board next meets October 28.

In other CCHD news:

— Jennifer Cail, clinical program manager, confirmed that CCHD’s mostly-full parking lot over the last two weeks stems from WIC appointments. As of June 3, such visits returned to in-person consultations and discussions, and CCHD staff are still working with the USDA on the WIC Community Innovation and Outreach Project, which seeks to increase participation and retention in the program. In 2020, during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, only 50% of all eligible individuals, and 41% of eligible children, participated in WIC: a shortfall of almost 6 million.

— Cloie Rager, marketing & communications director, estimated that 750-to-900 participants and 25 community partners came out for the May 30 “Back to Health” Block Party.

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