New Bid Accepted For Ruff Park Concession Stand Construction


Looking to get the project back on track, Christian County Fiscal Court once again approved a bid for the Ruff Park concession stand construction Tuesday morning — awarding the efforts to Hopkinsville’s Brian Gilliland of Gilliland Construction for $377,876.

Judge-Executive Jerry Gilliam noted another bid, valued at more than $391,000 from Tyler Gilliland Contracting, was the only other one on the stack.

In early January, magistrates had unanimously accepted a bid of $205,000 from Trey Gilliland Contracting for the construction of a new Ruff Park concession stand. And at the time, according to Magistrate John Bruce, proposals ranged from $205,000 to $454,000 because of labor costs, and with an estimated completion date of March 31.

This time around, and with the scope of the project changed, Gilliam added that a grant from PeADD totaling up to $250,000 would help defray costs, and the project window would be open over the next six-to-nine months.

Magistrates also heard two bids for dead livestock removal — a much-needed service for the high-agriculture community.

Gilliam told the court that increases from current contracting were roughly 10%.

In other news:

— The court and its magistrates entered into closed session for more than an hour under KRS 61.810, subsection 1 (g), in which discussions between a public agency and a representative of a business entity
and concerned a specific proposal, and where open discussions could jeopardize the siting, retention, expansion, or upgrading of a business.

No action was taken following the discussion.

— Fiscal court next convenes June 25.

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