Christian County Reveals First Look Of 2024-25 Budget


Judge-Executive Jerry Gilliam delivered a comprehensive stencil and outlook of Christian County’s Fiscal Year 2024-25 budget Friday morning — citing five goals hopefully met along this road map.

No. 1: a maximized relationship with Fort Campbell, to include economic and community support.

No. 2: optimized use of natural and manufactured resources, in order to grow Christian County.

No. 3: a focus on population growth and expansion, particularly through affordable housing and good jobs.

No. 4: a proactive pursuit of financial stability, in order to protect the county’s fiscal assets.

And No. 5: the enhanced safety and security of Christian County’s citizens.

Comparison can be the thief of joy, but Gilliam said after much discussion, the 2024-25 budget should come out to just above $48 million — more than $5 million less than the 2023-24 budget. Gilliam also noted, however, that last year’s budget comes as a reflection of an amendment, and also included a $7 million grant from Hopkinsville for Commerce Park II upgrades, as well as the improved radio systems.

Last year’s original budget, he said, was just over $43 million, meaning the 2024-25 outlook actually comes with strong carryover and a slight increase in spending.

Gilliam didn’t list them at this time, but he did say most agencies will be funded at the same level, and some agencies will see increases. Those details will come at a later date.

Among the biggest noted changes from last year’s expenditures: health insurance, P&C insurance, a 4% employee pay increase, inflated asphalt prices, a growing equipment needs list, and a trio of planned capital projects with the judge-executive’s office, the sheriff’s office and Christian County Jail.

He also noted Christian County’s focus continues to be the lowering of taxes on assessed value for real estate and tangible property, now down to 18.1 cents per $100, and that future tax discussions are ongoing.

Next Tuesday morning’s fiscal court meeting will host the budget’s first reading, with its ratification coming in June.



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