Cadiz Rotary Club Surpasses Record Again For 2024 Auction


The Cadiz Rotary Club wrapped up another successful auction week by again breaking another record for money raised to support the youth and seniors of Trigg County.

Club President and Auction Co-chair Ashley Joiner and Rotarian Dustin Gilbert announced the total following Friday night’s auction.

The club raised over $350,000 for the 2023 auction, which was similar to this year’s where items were sold in-person and via WKDZ’s Big Deals Store.

Rotarian Alana Baker-Dunn added the club had 12 foundation sponsors which each donated $5,000 to help kick off the auction this year.

Item pickup will take place at the Cadiz Baptist Church Annex on Saturday morning from 8:00 to Noon. While this is by far the largest fundraiser for the Cadiz Rotary Club each year, they accept donations year-round at

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