COTW Welcomes New Interim General Manager for Hopkinsville Solid Waste


The new interim general manager for Hopkinsville Solid Waste Enterprises was introduced to city council members at the Committee of the Whole meeting Thursday night.

Chair Steve Keel welcomed Brian Silver who started with Hopkinsville Solid Waste Enterprises in October 2020 as the landfill manager and helped with the landfill expansion project. He said the Hopkinsville Solid Waste Enterprise Board selected Silver as the interim general manager at an April 4th special called meeting.

Silver expressed his gratitude to the board for their trust and confidence and giving him this opportunity to serve the citizens of Hopkinsville.

click to download audioIn new business, Councilman Chuck Crabtree made a motion to change the way council members are paid.

click to download audioclick to download audioCity Attorney Doug Willen said that his motion is limited, somewhat, and explained that his motion wouldn’t be effective until next year.

click to download audioAfter some discussion, the motion failed 8-2 with Crabtree and Travis Martin voting yes and Matthew Handy abstaining from the vote.

In other action, a motion to accept the new Legacy Hopkinsville Rental Rehabilitation Incentives Program that has been simplified along with some other changes was unanimously approved and will now be considered by the city council.

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