Mercy Chefs to Distribute Grocery Boxes in Dawson Springs Wednesday

This week, volunteers from Mercy Chefs will be returning to Dawson Springs to distribute additional grocery boxes.

The disaster relief group, based in Virginia, last visited Dawson Springs three months ago for a food distribution to support families impacted by the December 2021 tornado that struck western Kentucky. During that visit, Mercy Chefs reported volunteers distributed 500 grocery food boxes to households in need.

Joel Cauley, the director of Church Partnerships with Mercy Chefs, explains that the non-profit disaster response organization specializes in providing meals to individuals impacted by disasters.

click to download audioSince then, according to Cauley, they have remained committed to long-term recovery care by providing grocery box distributions. He says another distribution event is scheduled for Wednesday from 5 pm to 7 pm at Dawson Springs High School, while supplies last.

click to download audioHe notes that each grocery box, valued at approximately $35, contains nutritious meals from all food groups and is distributed free of charge to the public.

click to download audioCauley stated that Mercy Chef provides approximately 80,000 meals worldwide each month and recognizes the importance of long-term assistance.

click to download audioCauley mentions that Mercy Chef is a partner with the Kentucky Dream Center and there are various ways to become involved with the disaster relief organization. For additional details, visit the websites of Mercy Chefs or the Kentucky Dream Center.

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