Colonel Stevenson Encourages Involvement


“If not now, when” is the call to action heard by several hundred people Saturday morning. The Modernette Civic Club’s 28th Annual African-American Heritage Breakfast featured State Representative Colonel Pam Stevenson as the keynote speaker.

click to download audioStevenson represents the 43rd District. She says the time to sit on the sidelines is over.

click to download audio
Her speech was a call to action.

click to download audioStevenson talked about the recent bills to criminalize homelessness and to allow teenagers to work 40-hours a week during the school year, saying they target vulnerable populations.

click to download audioThough she did not win the race for State Attorney General, Stevenson says she learned a great deal about the state.

click to download audioHopkinsville Mayor JR Knight presented Stevenson with a Key to the city at the event. The breakfast is a fundraiser for the Modernette and monies go to scholarships for graduating seniors.

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