Pennyrile Honor Guard In Need Of More Volunteers, Support


Providing military honors for veterans’ burials, the Pennyrile Honor Guard has found itself considerably busy since the start of 2024.

Cadiz man Curt Holmes, himself a U.S. Army and Vietnam War veteran, recently told The News Edge that 10 burials were handled in January, and they were up to 16 in February — with a week remaining.

He added that five Trigg Countians and four-to-five Christian Countians have been members, but the numbers need to grow.

The volunteerism, Holmes said, can be seasonal. Those who go to Florida for the winter can return and help with the spring and summer months, and it won’t pull from other familial obligations.

For more information about the honor guard, and how to participate, Holmes asked for veterans to call him at (270) 339-1163.

Holmes, and related associates, made the same plea for help in 2020. The guard’s bugler plays “Taps” and fires a three-volley salute, and a humble service requires but a few minutes from eight individuals.

Locals should also prepare for the 2nd Marine Corps League Pancake Breakfast, which this year is set for 7 AM, March 2, at the Trigg County Senior Citizen’s Center. Holmes said the funds raised go to scholarships for high school graduates.

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