Hopkinsville Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast This Saturday


Anybody with an empty stomach and $7 should find themselves at the War Memorial Building in Hopkinsville Saturday morning.

Because from 7-11 AM, members of the Hopkinsville Kiwanis Club are emptying their culinary tanks for the annual Pancake Breakfast.

All-you-can-eat with all of the typical fixin’s, Kiwanis President Toby Hudson said the beloved gathering goes a long way to help with the club’s mission to help the children of Christian County, especially in times of great need.

Nikki Chambers, Kiwanis president-elect, said last year’s “Warm the Children” campaign — which helps procure coats for kids in cold, rainy weather — is all the proof needed about what the breakfast can bring to a family.

Chambers and Hudson also noted that the annual Pancake Breakfast isn’t just a meal, but a terrific time for friendship, fellowship and reunion for the club.

Chambers and Hudson said the Key Clubs from Christian County High School, Hopkinsville High School and University Heights Academy have been “coming out” in force for events, and that it’s been good to see youths supporting other youths.

Meanwhile, during Thursday’s Hopkinsville Kiwanis meeting, Hudson did note that some club volunteers are still needed for Saturday’s efforts, and that planning is underway for a golf tournament and other critical fundraising angles.

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