Family And Consumer Science Exhibits At Trigg County Country Ham Festival

Along with the 4H exhibits in the Trigg County Country Ham Festival comes a contest for those who can no longer enter anything in the 4H contests.

Trigg County Family and Consumer Science Agent Theresa Garcia tells us all about this year’s open show competition that will be held at the Cadiz Baptist Church annex.

click to download audioShe also says that more information on classes is available.

click to download audioJust like the 4H exhibits, there is also a deadline for open show entries.

click to download audioNot just Homemakers can join this contest.

click to download audioGarcia has a set time and day for entries to be picked up after the contest.

click to download audioThere you have it! Not only can Trigg County 4H members enter items, any other Trigg Country resident can too!

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