Trigg Distinguished Alumni To Serve As Example For Students

Plaques recognizing the second class of Trigg County Distinguished Alumni containing QR codes linked to information about each graduate will join those already on display at Trigg County High School.

Distinguished Alumni Committee member Mike Wright says the project is about recognizing distinguished alumni and educating students.

click to download audioWright, who spearheaded the idea, says Chairman Bob Brame and Trigg County High School Principal Tim Bush have been a critical part of the recognition.

click to download audioBush says the distinguished alumni plaques are displayed in the front of the school for students to see.

click to download audioThe second of inductees include Dr. Perry Grigsby, Mary Ann Lander, Disaree Collette Acree Moore, Dan Thomas, Dr. George Thomas, and Dr. Lance Wiist. Deceased inductees include former County Judge-Executive and Sheriff Zelner Cossey, Roger Vinson, and Tom Vinson.

The induction ceremony will take place Saturday, September 9, at 2:00 at the Trigg County school cafeteria, with the inductees to speak to Trigg County High School students, with the inductees to be honored Friday, September 8, at the Trigg County High School football game.


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