Large Turnout For Take Kids Fishing At Jeffers Bend


More than 600 youth and their families crowded the shores of the lake and Little River at Jeffers Bend Saturday to enjoy fishing and fellowship.

The 22nd annual Take Kids Fishing Day featured family fun topped off with beautiful spring weather. The event was held for youth from ages 3 to 15. Fish caught ranged from 3 inches to 25 inches.

in the 3 to 5-year-old category, Brentley Neighbors caught a 24 1/2-inch catfish to take the longest fish prize. Emory Marks caught the most fish in the category with 18. Ellie Murphy and Seyler Stubs each caught a 3 1/2-inch fish to tie for the smallest fish prize. Tim Brown won the casting contest with a 40-foot throw and Shaqwone McKnight won the reeling contest with a time of 9.52 seconds.

In the 6-8 age group, Jaida Rogers earned top honors with a 20 1/2-inch catfish. Destiny Love caught the most fist with 6. Brixon Mason had the smallest fish at 5 inches. Lydia Davis won the casting contest with a distance of 64 feet. And Cameron Mitchell won the reeling contest with a time of 10.25 seconds.

T. J. Lowry took top honors in the 9-11 category with a 25-inch catfish in the longest fish category. Makenna Allen caught the most fish with ten. Jarvis Bush had the smallest fish at 3 1/2 inches. Taria Turner had the longest cast at 60 feet. And Jeremy White won the reeling contest with a time of 8.66 seconds.

Kayla Saintlouis won the longest fish prize in the age 12 to 15-year group with an 18 1/2-inch catfish. Labar Daniel caught the most fish in the category with six. Inani Henderson caught a three-inch fish to win the smallest fish prize. Sophia McGee won the longest cast with a distance of 81 feet. And T.J. Blanton won the reeling contest with a time of 8.59 seconds.

Winners in each category were awarded cash prizes for the longest fish, smallest fish, most fish, and the casting and reeling competitions.

Photos courtesy of Jeffers Bend

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