Christian County High School Sends Out Strong Class Of 2023

Christian County High School’s 64th Annual Commencement brought a message of hope and worth for the Class of 2023 at the Stadium of Champions — one delivered by Christian County Public Schools Equity Coordinator Vice Killebrew.

Nicknamed “Kilo” in 1990 following a long list of mistakes and “poor choices,” the 1993 Colonels graduate, husband to one and father of five told 257 graduates clad in blue and red to not let life completely “unravel their spool.”

He noted one must adapt, stay resilient and “bounce back” again and again and again, never lose one’s sense of worth, and to “not let the shifts of life” diminish one’s value — whether they were born with a silver spoon, a wooden spoon, or not a spoon in sight.

To demonstrate such, he took a crisp $100 bill from his trouser pocket, and flashed it to the crowd.

Donari Merritt, one of 54 Colonels who walked with honors, delivered the invocation.

Honors requires of a student to acquire 27 total credits, a minimum 3.25 GPA, at least 13 credits of advanced level courses (at least AP and/or collegiate), and two credits in a foreign language.

This year’s senior class officers had Joseph “JoJo” Anderson IV as president, Aveonnia Jackson as vice-president, Samantha Dazey as secretary, Mauriyo Buckner II as treasurer, Justyce Redd as reporter, and Ty’Jairria Johnson as student school board representative.

Matt Boehman, CCHS principal soon bound for a return to Trigg County, announced a special “perfect” recognition toward a small group of seniors.

Superintendent Chris Bentzel closed with a classic, scripted line.

It’s the one every graduate wants to hear.

Valedictorian was Timothy John Hanley Jr. Salutatorian was Morgan Nicole Overton.
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