Council To Consider Incentives For Crusty Pig Restaurant

At its next meeting, Hopkinsville City Council will consider a downtown development incentive application for a new restaurant to be located on East 7th Street.

At Thursday night’s Committee of the Whole meeting, Holly Boggess, the Assistant Community Development Services Director, presented the downtown development incentive application. She gave a summary of the work Hal McCoy of MDM MED Properties, LLC is doing on the site of the former Latham Hotel on East 7th Street which is scheduled to house the Crusty Pig restaurant.

click to download audioShe also explained a slide that showed the floor plan for the restaurant.

click to download audioBoggess said this is a $425,000 investment with 12 new jobs anticipated to be created. She noted the proposed work at 202 and 204 East 7th Street does conform with the Renaissance Design standards. She added it was presented to the Renaissance Design Review Board at a meeting earlier this month with a favorable recommendation to the council for participation in the Downtown Development Incentive Application Program.

click to download audioMcCoy said he is thrilled about this project because he believes the co-owners of the Crusty Pig have an energy that can bring more people into the downtown area.

click to download audioThe incentive application was unanimously approved to forward to the city council with an 80% rebate of any increase in ad valorem on property tax revenue for a period of 15 years and a rebate of 50% of payroll taxes for any new jobs created for a period of 10 years.

In other action, the council will also consider an ordinance establishing the Hopkinsville Small Business Commission. City Administrative Officer Troy Body explained will be made up of small business owners who can make recommendations with the goal to support the growth of small businesses in the city.

click to download audioHe said the Small Business Commission will be composed of thirteen voting members which will be appointed by the mayor, subject to City Council approval. In addition to the appointed members, the Commission will also include a designee of the Hopkinsville-Christian County Chamber of Commerce, who will serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member.

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