Cadiz City Council Welcomes Trigg Special Olympics, Tackles Numerous Topics

Photo courtesy of Tonya Grace | The Cadiz Record

It was a crammed-full meeting, both in content and in person.

But most importantly, a Cadiz City Council room filled with parents and student-athletes played host to the Trigg County Special Olympics state-champion basketball team Tuesday night, with Mayor Todd King proclaiming April 5 as “Special Olympics Day” in the community.

King also read a full declaration delivered from the chambers of the Kentucky General Assembly and this last short session. Many in the crowd cheered. Some shouted. Others openly wept.

In mid-March, this stout squad earned their title behind a 31-19 victory in Louisville. Team sponsor Theresa Wilson called this a “team win.”

In other city council news:

— With Cadiz Police Chief Duncan Wiggins serving in his final meeting before his late April retirement, his important position is one many currently in the department are qualified to have. Wiggins has said time and again this was intentional, in order to create a strong force.

Near the close of Tuesday’s meeting, Councilwoman Susan Bryant inferred publicly that the next chief for Cadiz is Major Tyler Thomas.

No official comment or statement will come at this time. An announcement on the decision is expected after April 21.

— Speaking of Wiggins, he delivered a heartfelt thanks to the council body, especially for helping him move in the right direction.

— Cadiz-Trigg County Tourism Executive Director Bill Stevens gave an in-person report for the first time in awhile, much to the joy of the council.

Stevens noted that Trigg County’s Jordan Hampton, now at Bethel College, has agreed on a two-year advertising commitment to use “” as a boat sponsorship while he continues to be a competitive collegiate angler.

Furthermore, the Little River Festival is returning April 29 at the West Cadiz Park. Running from 8 AM until 4 PM, Classy & Grassy, The Tennessee River Boys and some Elvis covers will come to life in downtown Cadiz.

He also reported the recent ribbon cutting for the Trigg County Recreation Complex Disc Golf Course brought more than 45 professionals and 90 entries to the tournament, coming from eight states.

A “Cadiz Photo Walk” with Richard Knight, in which amateur and hobbyist photographers will seek artistic value in the downtown and surrounding county, is also on the calendar.

— Susie Hendricks made a motion seeking a cap of 25 volunteer firefighters at any one time for the city and county. It was approved unanimously.

— City Clerk Connie Allen noted that architects contacted her Tuesday, notifying her that new materials are coming for the “Put A Roof On It” project from last year’s Trigg Leadership Class, which will bring a covered area over the Farmer’s Market location right next to the Renaissance Stage.

There continues to be hope and expectation that the structure is finally completed before this year’s Trigg County Country Ham Festival. King said, however, new plans and drawings need to be approved before it can again be put out to bid.

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