Cadiz-Trigg Tourism Commission Raises Concerns Of Ham Fest

With the 2023 Trigg County Country Ham Festival approaching quicker than many believe, some concerns have been aired by the Cadiz-Trigg County Tourist & Convention Commission — regarding food vendor placement, band placement and other similar tactics.

Earlier this week in Tuesday’s convening, board member Lucas Hale said he’s fielded at least one complaint of an unnamed local vendor — alongside others — displeased being away from musical acts.

The suggestion by Hale and fellow board member and Cadiz City Councilwoman Susan Bryant: move all musical acts near the Renaissance Stage, and abandon the old IGA parking lot as an entertainment venue.

Bryant also noted that she “objected” to the Ham Festival Committee paying for incoming talent instead of garnering more local elements, but didn’t have enough say to sway.

It’s worth noting that this board has no acting authority on the committee, other than usually providing a budgetary line item for entertainment options.

Jamie Lewis, director of guest services, is a reporting liaison between the Ham Festival Committee and the tourism-related organization. She told the board that “Rewind” is already slated as the Friday night headliner, an audio/stage/lights vendor is secured and some local talent is scheduled for the Renaissance Stage.

Furthermore, Lewis said a number of tribute bands are on the line to come and play at the annual Trigg pig shindig.

However, Tourism Director Bill Stevens said while he agrees with tribute bands and larger entertainment, even he wishes the music was located closer to the food vendors.

Stevens and Hale said they weren’t sure if they were the largest contributor to annual funding for the Ham Festival, but did make note of Wabash’s recent major commitment as key sponsor — in which they’re in the middle of a three-year, $15,000 total commitment.

Tourism’s most recent commitment to the Ham Festival was $20,000.

In other tourism news:

— Over the last four months, the Cadiz-Trigg County Tourism office has received more than 3,800 requests for information about the area.

— Kara Allen, representative for the Trigg County Chamber of Commerce Leadership Class 2023, made a presentation to the board showcasing this year’s project. It includes a complete $12,000 locally-powered renovation of the oft-used stage in the Lexie Bush Convention Center, as well as an upcoming food drive and other surrounding events.

The board unanimously approved a $4,000 match of Parks & Recreation’s push toward the project, and Trigg County Fiscal Court is still in considerations for its monetary support.

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