Renaming Contest Opens For Hopkinsville’s Tie Breaker Family Aquatic Center

It’s official: Tie Breaker Family Aquatic Center will be receiving a new name. And a public option is on the way.

Dignitaries with Hopkinsville Parks and Recreation announced Friday the procedures involved with its renaming, which following major renovation and repair will have its grand re-opening this Memorial Day weekend.

A “Name The Water Park” contest is seeking public input through March 13, and the contest opened Friday on social media and through the organization’s website at

The person with the “winning name” will receive four 2023 season passes.

New names can also be submitted through links on the Tie Breaker Facebook page or by sending entries to Following a name selection, a new logo will be developed alongside new marketing materials and signage.

Tab Brockman, parks & recreation superintendent, noted the water feature draws nearly 50,000 patrons annually, and aside from 2022 when a major leak was discovered, it’s been open since 2007.

New paint and climbing features, a recoating of the slides, an update of the aquatic system components, new road-front signage are among some of the finished improvements.

Applications are being taken for lifeguard and front office positions with the new management company, and a new operating company will be selected next week following the opening of bids Friday. One should call the Parks office at (270) 887-4290 to be placed on a “potential employee” list.

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