Judge Rules To Modify Bond In Drug Overdose Death Case

A Christian County Circuit Court judge granted a motion to modify the bond in the case of a Hopkinsville man charged in connection to a drug overdose death.

Seth Henderson is charged with second-degree complicity of manslaughter and first-degree trafficking in a controlled substance – Carfentanil or Fentanyl derivatives in the death of 23-year Corbin Bowling of Crofton who died of a drug overdose in early 2021.

In court Monday morning, Henderson’s attorney Olivia Adams pointed out that this is the second indictment on the same set of facts with the first indictment dismissed on May 2, 2022. This was after Adams successfully argued before Judge Andrew Self that Commonwealth’s Attorney Rick Boling knowingly or intentionally presented false or misleading testimony to the grand jury regarding text messages that all parties involved later said Henderson was not part of.

She also pointed that between May and when the second indictment was issued in November, Henderson stayed out of trouble and maintained a job.

click to download audioSpecial Prosecutor Nathan Beard opposed the bond reduction based on his prior records that the last time he was let out on bond it was revoked and he allegedly continued to sell drugs after Bowling died.

click to download audioAfter some more discussion, Judge Self modified Henderson’s bond with several conditions of his release, including a GPS ankle monitor.

click to download audioJudge Self set another hearing for March 22 for a possible resolution or a trial date to be set.

A co-defendant in the case, Joshua Long, pled guilty as part of an agreement with the Commonwealth that requires him to testify against Henderson. His jail sentence was probated.

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