Hopkinsville Electric Customers To Experience Rolling Blackouts


Hopkinsville Electric System customers will experience temporary power outages as part of a rolling blackout to help ease the strain on the Tennessee Valley Authority power grid.

HES General Manager Jeff Hurd says they are implementing their emergency plan to help ease the demand on the power grid.

click to download audioHurd says HES has a plan they will use to implement the rolling blackout.

click to download audioHe is not sure how long the power-saving emergency plan will continue.

click to download audioHurd says TVA officials are telling them the problem with the power demand may be partially connected to the Paradise Power Plant in Muhlenburg County that was converted from coal-fired to natural gas.

click to download audioIn 2017 TVA replaced two coal-fired units at its Paradise plant in Muhlenburg County with a combined-cycle power plant that reduced carbon emissions by roughly fifty percent.

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