Contract Terminated For ‘Put A Roof On It’ Project

Following a pair of unfortunate events at the “Put A Roof On It” project site in downtown Cadiz — including the December injury of one construction worker — Mayor Todd King confirmed to the News Edge Tuesday afternoon that Bluegrass Construction and Contracting has had its efforts terminated.

King said the decision comes after some local onsite investigation.

The structure — planned to cover the farmers market area along Main Street — was the brainchild of the 2021-22 Trigg County Leadership Class through the Chamber of Commerce. Community donations, as well as a matching grant from the Kentucky Agriculture Development Board, brought about a great deal of excitement and validity to the structure, which many believe has the chance to truly transform the venue.

Accidents, however, have plagued its progress.

In late September, a portion of the roof trusses fell. No one was injured and the main structure remained intact, but the project originally had a completion date of mid-October — just in time for the Trigg County Country Ham Festival.

Then, on the morning of December 3, Main Street had to be closed hours prior to the Cadiz Christmas Parade because an unnamed man — believed to be around 35 years old — was working the site when it again collapsed, trapping him underneath debris.

Following his extrication, the man was taken by ambulance to Trigg County Hospital and later transferred to Skyline Medical Center in Nashville for face and leg injuries.

King said this man was properly insured, with no medical costs coming back to the city.

King also said the project remains “a go,” and that the next step is to reconvene with the leadership group to survey the next steps.

The matching grant, alongside community donations, comes to more than $180,000.

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