Brannon Retiring From Murray State Hutson School Of Ag

A well-respected Dean of an agriculture school in Kentucky will hang up his hat and retire at the end of 2022. Murray State University Hutson School of Agriculture Dean Dr. Tony Brannon was recently recognized for his years of service by the Kentucky Ag Council.

click to download audioDr. Brannon says he is proud of the growth at Murray State during his tenure.

click to download audioHe adds there has also been a growth in what is offered to students.

click to download audioDean Dr. Tony Brannon says Murray State’s partnership with Hutson has taken the agriculture school to new level.

click to download audioMaybe the ultimate satisfaction is hearing from the alumni.

click to download audioAfter receiving his PHD from Oklahoma State University in 1988 Dr. Brannon returned to Murray State University. He became Dean of the Hutson School of Agriculture in 2005.


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